ATSEP Competence based Training
Before 2000, training of ATSEP was completely under the auspices of ANSP’s without regulation.
In the nineties it became clear that a training manual was required before certification or licensing of ATSEP can be in place. Also, the need for harmonization of ATSEP training was recognized.
In 1996, the first doc produced by Eurocontrol addressing technical staff was released, Eurocontrol model for task and job descriptions for ATM technical staff.

During the period of 1995 to 2004, IFATSEA with support of Eurocontrol, created the first basic training guidelines for a Common Basic Level of Technical Training for Air Traffic Safety Electronics and qualification training guidelines for a Common Qualification Level of Technical Training for Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel.
In 2002 Eurocontrol released ESARR 5 (version 2 – Eurocontrol Safety Regulatory Requirement), acknowledging that ATSEP (requirements for engineers and technical personnel undertaking operational safety-related tasks ) need to have a proven competence.
These European ATSEP training manuals were used as basis for developing a global ATSEP training manual under ICAO. In 2004, ICAO released the first version of the ATSEP Training manual Doc 7912.
In 2006, the common system training guidelines for a Common System/Equipment Rating Training for Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel, as well the Guidelines for the Competence Assessment of Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel were published by Eurocontrol.
In 2009 the basic and qualification guidelines became Eurocontrol specifications for ATSEP Common Core Content Initial Training.
The Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/373 of 1 March 2017 laying down common requirements for providers of air traffic management/air navigation services and other air traffic management network functions and their oversight, contains the implementing rules for ATSEP training and Competence in ANNEX XIII, requirements for service providers concerning personnel training and competence assessment (Part-PERS contain the training objectives). This regulation is applicable as from 2 January 2020
To assist stakeholders for the implementation of this Regulation, EASA has published the associated Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material and Easy Access Rules used by NSA’s .
Those AMC and GM for Annex XII Part Pers have been updated by EASA on 8 December 2020, ED Decision 2020/020/R | EASA (
In 2017 ICAO released Doc 10057 Manual on Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel Competency-based Training and Assessment, which replace Doc 7912.

In the Basic Regulation, Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 of 4 July 2018, the need of ATSEP being competent for performing his duties are repeated:
(17) It is important that personnel used by ATM/ANS providers, such as Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel (‘ATSEP’) are appropriately qualified and trained to perform their duties. ATM/ANS providers should also implement training and checking programmes, taking into account the different types of safety-related tasks performed by their personnel. The implementing acts adopted under this Regulation and concerning responsibilities of ATM/ANS providers should lay down further detailed harmonised rules for such personnel, including ATSEP to ensure the necessary level of safety.